Hi, I'm Simon

I'm the creator of SavvyIdeas.

Years ago, in my first "grown up" job I was working in a local government finance department when someone decided to run an "innovation campaign". Basically, they asked everyone to suggest their best ideas for how we could save money, with prizes for the best ideas ranging from mugs and t-shirts to cash prizes that, to me at the time, were a lot of money. We wrote our names and ideas on a piece of paper and dropped them in a suggestion box.

The ideas suggested ended up saving tens of thousands of pounds.

I wondered where these ideas had come from and why they hadn't been suggested before. It turns out that in most cases the ideas weren't new, but there'd never had a way to get them in front of management. In many cases they'd raised the ideas with their manager but they hadn't been interested.

This was a pattern I've seen repeat at many companies over many years. Employees have lots of ideas for improvements, new products, ways to save money, etc. but they have no way to get these in front of the right people.

Occasionally I'd come across a company which used "innovation management" software to replace the old-fashioned suggestion box, but these often cost thousands of dollars and needed a dedicated team to manager them, putting them far out of the reach of most companies.

I created SavvyIdeas to provide a simple, affordable, online replacement for the old fashioned suggestion box, giving every company an affordable way to listen to their employees, ideas and concerns, and every employee a way to have their voice heard.

I hope you love it.